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20 Square Feet of Home.

The 20 Square Feet

Move-in was today and I’m finally here and unpacked. I still have some stuff packaged up, mainly school supplies that I’m not sure I’ll use and so will open as I need them, but for the most part things are somehow organized, tucked away, or displayed in the way they will be for the next nine-ish months.

Back home I had one decently-sized room to myself, with its own walk-in closet and small bathroom, so moving to a situation requiring living in one even-smaller room with three people and all the furniture and clothes and everything involved is definitely a major shift. I got the loft bed like I wanted, though, so I have my own little chunk of the room to myself. I had planned to turn the desk around under it to provide a little bit more space, as well as a little nook for hanging out and reading or whatever, but unfortunately given the amount of furniture crammed into this room (it’s a double room with three people’s worth of furniture in it, making it twice as cramped) I wasn’t able to do that. It’s definitely not a bad situation, and I made it work, but it’s still a bit unfortunate. That plus the fact that my bed is so high and the ceiling so low that I can’t sit up properly on it makes me somewhat disappointed, but ah well. That’s college for you: teaching you to live with less-than-ideal conditions.

A happy thing, though, is that the desks are huge, and since my mini dresser is right next to my desk and my bookshelf is on top of it, I have a massive table space to work with. I’ve actually had trouble trying to put stuff on it to properly use up the space! But it’ll come in handy when classes actually start and I’m in here studying. The fact that the bookshelf is to my left and makes a sort of additional wall is also nice, as with that plus the boards of the bedframe I’ve had a nice number of places to stick stuff up. Right now I just have a few motivational quotes up, plus my dry-erase board, but I’m sure I’ll add more as time goes on. I also put a command hook on the side of my bookshelf to put my keys on to make sure I don’t lose them, which was quite handy.
Massive Desk Space
The roommates seem pretty cool. I’m in the engineering community so we’re all engineers, as is the rest of the floor, which will be nice for starting study groups and such.
Otherwise there hasn’t been much. Moving in took a decent amount of time, then the roomies and I just sort of hung out in our dorm for a bit and settled in. One of them and I went on a tour that took us to the mall about twenty minutes away, though we were the only two on the tour so it wasn’t all that exciting. We did sniff around in Bath and Body Works and enjoyed the delicious scents, though. Tonight is a floor meeting so we’ll head to that at 6, and apparently we have dinner after that, though if it’s not free I’m probably going to skip out to go meet some friends for dinner elsewhere. Then after that is a movie in the quad, and then a “midnight carnival” of games and such. And then I’ll be exhausted.
It has been a little hard moving in–yesterday I was basically a mess, and today after getting back from the bus tour I had a weak moment–but I’m sure that after a bit of time I’ll be fine. I’m just exhausted and it’s been a huge shock to move from a massive bedroom and house in the suburbs to a tiny cramped dorm room in Seattle. But I’ll get better.
So that’s the update. Classes start next week so this blog will likely drop down to a once-a-week schedule, alternating between personal posts like these and more informative ones (a.k.a. the good stuff). I’ve been working on some good posts, so make sure to check back!